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Cunha and Santana join Indians Soccer Team

“I’m not a big fan of bringing in players during the off-season,” Salk Soccer Coach Bill Glass says. “But Thiago Cunha and Caio Santana have been great to have here during the spring.” And now, the two Brazilians have signed scholarships for the 2023-24 academic year.

Cunha and Santana have benefited from starting college in the USA without the added pressure of jumping right into the competitive regular soccer season. They have made many friends at USC Salkehatchie and adapted well to college academics. The light off-season practice schedule has given them the chance to fit into the Indians style of play.

During scrimmages against outside competition Thiago, a striker, has scored a couple of goals and Caio, a defender has gained confidence in his ability to play at the college level. Both were effective in scrimmages versus NCAA. teams. “We can beat them!” Caio said after a recent match. “I can’t wait to play them again in August.”

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